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william blake造句

"william blake"是什麼意思  william blakeの例文  


  • Oriental factors in william blake ' s poetry
  • Understanding the theme of william blake ' s poems
  • Interviewer : are you saying then that william blake was a realised soul
  • It allowed people , in william blake ' s phrase , to hold infinity in the palm of a hand , and eternity in an hour
  • The book was published and one of its most famous readers was the great poet - mystic william blake , who was greatly influenced by it
    這部書后來被出版,而威廉布雷克william blake這位偉大的神秘詩詩人也是這本福音書之最知名讀者之一,并深受其影響。
  • Barry ' s fall from grace [ 5 ] was the most dramatic , but there is much to admire in this irascible irish artist who , like fuseli , once taught william blake
  • Think of galileo ' s 17th ? century trial for his rebelling belief before the catholic church or poet william blake ' s harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of isaac newton
    想想看, 17世紀伽利略因其叛逆性的信仰而遭到天主教會的審判,詩人威廉?布萊克對艾薩克?牛頓的機械世界觀提出尖銳的批判。
  • Think of galileo ' s 17th ? century trial for his rebelling belief before the catholic church or poet william blake ' s harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of isaac newton
    譯文想想看, 17世紀伽利略因其叛逆性的信仰而遭到天主教會的審判,詩人威廉?布萊克對艾薩克?牛頓的機械世界觀提出尖銳的批判。
  • Meanwhile , in china , the shanghai metro will display extracts in chinese from william wordsworth ' s " daffodils " , kathleen jamie ' s " the blue boat " , michael bullock ' s " butterfly " , and william blake ' s " auguries of innocence "
    同時,中國上海的地鐵內將要展出威廉?華茲華斯的《致水仙》 、凱瑟琳?詹米的《藍色之舟》 、邁克爾?布洛克的《蝴蝶》以及威廉?布萊克的《天真的預示》中的部分詩句。
  • As i told you these people know that william blake has written about , he calls them , men of god . and these men of god , he says , will become prophets . and these prophets have a special power by which they will be giving realisation to others and making them into prophets
    曾經提到這類人,他說這些人是神的子民man of god ,而這些人會成為先知,而這些先知有特別的力量,可使其他人得到自覺,使其他人也成為先知。
  • It's difficult to see william blake in a sentence. 用william blake造句挺難的
如何william blake造句用william blake造句william blake in a sentence和william blake的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。